Photo Gallery
Kick-off Meeting
Brussels, Belgium
8 November 2012
During this meeting, the Head of the C4 Unit welcomed the project beneficiaries and the EC officer presented the financial rules of the programme to the project beneficiaries. The project aims, tasks and timeframe as well as a draft version of the consortium agreement were discussed.

A. Morandi (Italy), M. Papadakaki (Greece), D. Otte (Germany), A.E. Ameli (EC officer) and S. Lindahl (EC officer)
Consensus Meetings
Heraklion, Crete, Greece
March-May 2013
Preparatory meetings were held with the hospital authorities (hospital directors and Intensive Care Unit Directors) and the staff in the participating hospitals within March and May 2013. These meetings served the needs of establishing a common understanding of the study aims and objectives as well as the data collection process. Informative material on the European project as well as the study questionnaires were delivered to hospital authorities for their information.
Consortium Meetings
Pavia, Italy
7-8 November 2013
Consortium Meetings within COST Action TU1101
Finland, France, Greece, Portugal
Consortium Meetings
Nafplio, Greece
4-5 August 2014
25th annual Art and Science of Health Promotion Conference
San Diego, California, USA
30 March-3 April 2015
Workshop: Itineraries of life
Conference Room, TEI of Crete, Heraklion, Greece
29 April 2015
International Conference: Road Safety & Simulation
Orlando, Florida, USA
6-8 October 2015
International Conference: Road Injury Trauma & Rehabilitation
Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Heraklion, Crete, Greece
22-23 October 2015