Scientific Publications

1. Uzumcuoglu, Y., T. Ozkan, T. Lajunen, A. Morandi, C. Orsi, M. Papadakaki and J. Chliaoutakis (2016). Life quality and rehabilitation after a road traffic crash: A literature review, Transportation Research, Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Volume 40, pp. 1-13.

2. M. Papadakaki, O. E. Ferraro, C. Orsi, D. Otte, G. Tzamalouka, M. von-der-Geest, T. Lajunen, T. Özkan, A. Morandi, M. Sarris, G. Pierrakos  and J. Chliaoutakis (2017). Psychological distress and physical disability in patients sustaining severe injuries in road traffic crashes: Results from a one-year cohort study from three European countries.

3. M. Papadakaki, M. – A. Stamouli, O. E. Ferraro, C. Orsi, D. Otte, G. Tzamalouka, M. von der Geest, T. Lajunen, T. Özkan, A. Morandi, V. Kotsyfos and J. Chliaoutakis (2016). Hospitalization costs and estimates of direct and indirect economic losses due to injury sustained in road traffic crashes: Results from a one-year cohort study in three European countries (The REHABILAID project).