Cristina Montomoli

MontomoliCristina Montomoli
is an Associate Professor of Medical Statistics at the University of Pavia. She is the head of the Unit of Biostatistics and Clinical Epidemiology of the Department of Public Health, Experimental and Forensic Medicine. She graduated in Biological Sciences from the University of Pisa, got a Master Diploma in “Statistique appliquée à la Medicine, option Epidémiologie”, University of Paris VI, a Post-Doc degree in Medical Statistics, University of Pavia and a PhD in Public Health and Community Medicine, University of Sassari.


Main professional and scientific memberships

Director of the Centre of Study and Research on Road Safety (CIRSS). Director of the post-degree school in Medical Statistics, Pavia University (2010-2018); Member of the Clinical Trial Quality Team, Istituto Neurologico Nazionale “C. Besta”, Milano (2010-present); Member (as biostatistician) of the ethical committee of the Neurological Institute “C. Mondino”, Pavia (2007-2013); President of the Italian Society for Medical Statistics and Clinical Epidemiology (2009-2011); Director of the Centre of Study and Research on Road Safety (2010-2013).


Main research fields

Analysis of the distribution of neurodegenerative diseases; mortality studies; evaluation of measurement scales and questionnaires; evaluation of treatment efficacy; analysis of risk factors for road accidents; genetic epidemiology; statistical methodology.



She has numerous research and teaching collaboration with national and international research institutions (Neurological Institute, Pavia; Istituto Neurologico Besta, Milano Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Milano; Human Biological Data Interchange, Philadelphia; Columbia University, New York; University of Timisoara, Romania).



She has more than 80 publications in the field of neuroepidemiology, public health, neurosciences and medical statistics; 51 publications with Impact Factor. From Scopus database (giugno 2013): Total number of citations=90, No. of normalized citations = 36.13; C H-index =11.