Federica Manzoni

ManzoniFederica Manzoni was born in Pavia on 22 October 1981. She graduated with honors (magna cum laude) in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Pavia in 2006, with a thesis in neurology entitled “RLS: clinical and neurophysiological aspects”.

She specialised in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine with full marks in 2011, maturing experience in both neurological and orthopaedic wards in: San Matteo General Hospital, Maugeri Foundation, Mondino Foundation (Pavia) and Don Gnocchi Foundation (Salice Terme). In 2012 she entered, after passing a competitive exam, the Specialisation School of Health Statistics and Biometry.

Now, she works at the Biostatistics and Clinical Epidemiology Unit of the Department of Public Health, Experimental and Forensic Medicine of the University of Pavia, where she is maturing experience in educational and clinical research and she collaborates with CIRSS, an Interdepartmental Centre for the Study and Research on Road Safety.